Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Building Relationships with People in Christ
Minutes of April 13, 2015 Finance Meeting

Members present: Pastor Pat Jackson, Ed Ingram, Linda Schumacher, Don Pine, Don Young, Barry Holmes

Ed opened with devotion and prayer

The Endowment Committee chaired by Don Young is ready to inform our congregation of the BRPC Endowment Fund. If approved by Session, this will start on May 3 with an announcement in church followed with weekly articles in church bulletin for 4 weeks, then quarterly.

We are now receiving quarterly payments from the Joy Foundation and have $1577 in a restricted account. Applications for the fall grant must be received by the Committee by June 1.

Pastor Pat, Linda Schumacher, and Ed Ingram attended a Stewardship Kaleidoscope hosted by our Presbytery at the Airport Hilton last month and received lots of good information on Stewardship that we will be discussing in our Finance Meetings.

Next Meeting: May 11, 2015 at 6PM
Pat closed with prayer

Ed Ingram
