Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Building Relationships with People in Christ

May 10, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting     (H)


 Items to be included in Session's consent agenda – Insurance Upgrade (see 4 below)

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session – none

Items for information only – none

 Members present – Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, & Linda Schumacher.  Pastor Elizabeth was also present, and Paul Luce joined us via speaker phone.

Members absent – Barry Holmes, Don Pine and Don Young

Ed Ingram began our meeting with a devotional and prayer.

1.  April Minutes were approved

2.  Financial Secretary Report

·         Linda shared some wording for the new BRPC web site regarding “general giving” that had been added by the web site committee to the information the Finance Committee had provided last month.  Pastor Elizabeth is going to talk to the web site committee, and she will help reword this section to better reflect the theology she and the Finance Committee agreed upon.


3.  Treasurer's Report (see April 2021 reports in Drop Box) –

·         Paul reviewed the April reports with the committee.  Once again, we are grateful that we are still “in the black”.

·         Paul pointed out that there is over $1000 in the Endowment fund that needs to be transferred to the savings account where it can earn some interest.  Sandy will take care of this.

·         April Treasurer’s Reports were approved.


4.  Insurance Increase – based on information from Bill Melewski, when we first updated the audio/video for the sanctuary, we spent approximately $115,000.00.  Since then, with the projector upgrade, the projection screen upgrade and the new chancel lighting, we’ve added approximately another $85,000.00.  So, we have $200,000.00 just in AV equipment.  We currently have $250,000.00 in coverage.  The Finance Committee approved increasing our coverage by another $100,000.00 via email in March.  The added cost is $200.00.


5.  Joy Scholarship

·         As discussed at last month’s meeting Sandy has informed Meagan Berry that we could not use Joy Scholarship funds to pay for books that Meagan purchased with her personal credit card.  Meagan has sent BRPC a nice thank you for the financial help she received from the Joy Scholarship fund along with an announcement of  ????

·         The deadline for applications for the Fall Semester is June 1.  Sandy will be publicizing this in BRPC weekly email and newsletter.

·         Amount to be awarded to each applicant will be decided at the June meeting.


6.  Stewardship Theme for 2022

·         It’s not too soon to be thinking about this.

·         We’ll bring our ideas to the June meeting.



 Next meeting will be 1:00 PM on June 14, 2021.  


Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Bill Melewski.


Pastor Elizabeth ended our meeting with a prayer.