Sunday, September 15, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ
September 9, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –-plan for paying any moving expenses for new pastor (see 6 below)

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, and Paul Luce    Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Ed Ingram opened with a devotion and a prayer.

1. Financial Secretary Report
o     The conversion to Shelby Next has been especially useful the past two weeks since :Linda broke her right arm
because she can input contributions on her laptop while lounging on the couch.
o     Linda ordered and has received the boxes of offering envelopes for 2020.  Special envelopes are now included in the boxes with regular offering envelopes.

2.  Treasurer's Report (see August 2019 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the JAugust financial reports with the committee. In H1, the Receipts and Payments include the large amount received from the insurance company and then paid out to the roofing company.
o    Paul has alerted Bobby Neal about the large increase in the electric bill.  Property Committee will be investigating.
o    Overall, we are doing OK financially considering that we have not had to take anything from savings account.

4.  Blue Ridge Bank Account – Authorized Check Signers
Sandy has gathered necessary information and signatures from new check signers and will be taking it to the bank today.

5.  Property Insurance
The proposed change in insurance companies was approved by the Session last month.

6.  2020 Budget
At the August Session meeting, Committee Chairs were instructed to provide their budget requests in September.
Ed Ingram made a motion and Don Pine seconded that rather than make a line item in the 2020 budget for moving expenses for a new pastor, we will plan to take that expense from our savings.  Motion carried.

7.  2020 Stewardship Campaign
We will need to finalize a plan at our next meeting.  Paul shared that his church is using the theme “20/20 Vision”
Our committee liked that idea but more discussion will be needed on how to use this theme.

Next meeting will be 1:30 PM on October 14th. 
Opening devotional prayer will be given by Bill Melewski

Don Pine ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Schumacher