Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Building Relationships with People in Christ
  January 8, 2018 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -.None

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –None

Items for information only -see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Don Pine, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, Don Young and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)
Also present:  Pastor Pat (briefly)
Members absent: Barry Holmes

Bill Melewski opened with a devotional.

1.  Minutes of the December 2017 meeting were approved

2.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Sharon Schroer had prepared a list of the outstanding bills to be paid and Linda provided the current bank balance after today's deposit.  It was determined that we currently have enough funds to pay the bills without transferring any funds.
o     Statements of 2017 giving to BRPC were distributed after worship on January 7 and more will be given out on January 14.  Any remaining after that will be mailed.
o     Special offering envelopes (per capita, one great hour, etc.) will be distributed on January 21, 2018.
o     2018 per capita amount is $43.29

3.  Treasurer's Report (see December 2018 reports in Drop Box)
o   Paul reviewed last month's reports with us.  There was nothing unusual in them.
o   The Treasurer's Report was approved.
o   Paul agreed to be available via phone by 12:20pm on 1/28 for the Congregational Meeting
o   Paul has agreed to continue as our Treasurer until we can find someone else to take on these responsibilities.
o   There was some later discussion about this.  Sandy knows someone who might be interested but would want to be paid something.  Sandy will find out what their fee would be.  The suggestion was also made that possibly we could share someone to do these duties with another church.

4.  2017 Highlights & 2018 Goals for Congregational Meeting Packet
o   2017 Highlights
§  Five people were assisted in furthering their education by the distribution of $2800.00 from the Joy Scholarship Fund
§  BRPC is current in payment of their per-capita for the first time in many years.  This is thanks in large part to a very generous ONE-TIME donation to cover the amount due in excess of the amount we've collected over the years
§  There was an increase in the amount pledged for 2018 in comparison to the amount pledged in 2017.  The committee is convinced that this is due to the academy award worthy Stewardship Skit:)

o   2018 Goals
§  Increased giving to BRPC to avoid the need to transfer funds from our savings
§  Increased percentage of members  who pay their per-capita to allow us to stay current in payment of this obligation without having to use general funds
§  Increased giving to the BRPC Endowment Fund

5.  Manual of Operations
o   The committee discussed Linda Schumacher's questions and proposed changes.  Linda will revise the Finance Committee's portion accordingly and send it to the Finance

6.  Old Business
o Sandy reported that the proposed Credit Card Policy was approved by the Session (see Finance Dec 2017 minutes)
o Sandy also reported that the session approved the requests by CE for pie sales and the Mission and Outreach dates from our December meeting

7.  New Business
o       We were given information about the partnership being formed with Zion Grove Missionary Baptist Church but were told that no financial decisions were needed at this time about that.

Next meeting FEBRUARY 5 - 6:30 p.m.  This is a change from our usual date due to some scheduling conflicts.

And, everyone said, "AMEN".

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Schumacher