Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Building Relationships with People in Christ

August 10, 2020- Finance Committee Meeting     (H)


Items to be included in Session's consent agenda – none


Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session – none


Items for information only – see below – NOTE #3  2021 budget requests are needed BEFORE 9/24/20


Members present -  Barry Holmes, Ed Ingram, Paul Luce, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young.  Pastor Elizabeth was also present.


This meeting was held via Zoom.  As always, we appreciate Paul joining us no matter the circumstances (this time from his car at the side of the road on their way home from visiting family).   AND, it was great to have Barry with us!


Bill Melewski opened our meeting with a devotional about “being grateful” and a prayer


1.  Financial Secretary Report

·         Linda will be figuring out how many and what type of offering envelopes we need to order for 2021

·         Edgar Urriola memorial funds:  we have received one donation that is designated for camps.  Linda asked for confirmation/clarification of whether all of Edgar’s memorial funds are to be designated for camp.  Pastor Elizabeth will contact Misty to find out.

·          Linda will send Pastor Elizabeth a list of other memorial funds for which the designation is unknown.  As her time allows, Pastor will contact families to find out if these funds are to be non-designated or designated.


2. June Minutes were approved (no meeting in July)


3.  Treasurer's Report (see July 2020 reports in Drop Box) –

·         Paul reviewed the July reports with the committee.  Contributions continue to be lower than anticipated but so are our expenses.

·         Since we are currently maintaining a checking account balance of at least $10,000.00, It was the consensus of the committee that we do not need to transfer anything from savings at this time.  Paul noted that the bank is charging us a $9-10 fee each month we do not maintain a balance of $20,000.00

·         Paul also reminded us that committee chairs should be asked in August to provide their preliminary budget requests BEFORE the September session meeting, September 24th


4.  Per Capita

·         It was the consensus of the committee that we continue to make monthly payments to ensure that we are caught up with this by the end of the year. 

·         Sandy will handle having a check issued to Heartland Presbytery.


5.  2021 Stewardship Campaign

·         After some discussion, it was agreed that Paul Luce’s church’s upcoming theme of Re-access, Re-calculate, Re-build doesn’t fit BRPC’s current circumstances but might very well be great for 2022 so we will welcome what Paul has to share with us as possible fodder for next year.

·         With Pastor Elizabeth’s guidance in thinking about where we are now and how to highlight what is going right, the theme that was decided on is “Socially Distanced/Spiritually Connected”

·         Pledge Sunday will be November 8, 2020

·         Pastor Elizabeth’s sermon series will focus on stewardship for the 4 weeks before that

·         This means stewardship letters with pledge form enclosed should be mailed about October 26th

·         Barry Holmes volunteered to write this year’s letter


6.  BRPC Sam’s Club Card  

·         Don Pine made a motion to cancel Paul Vance’s card and not request a replacement.  Motion carried.




7.  Newsletter Article

·         We are grateful for those who have kept up their contributions to BRPC

·         Pastor Elizabeth suggested including a list of a few of the things that everyone’s contributions are allowing us to continue to pay – e.g. salaries, building maintenance, stamps



8. Website

·         At least half of the current services we are paying for in connection with our current web site will become part of the fee we already pay for Shelby Systems once the website is converted to that.

·         It was the consensus that in the future all the costs of maintaining the web site will be paid using the BRPC credit card and we thank Bill M for previously paying these expenses. 

·         Bill will coordinate with Karen Argo about this transition.


9.  Security of Karen Argo’s office

·         Karen is concerned that more than once items in her desk have been disturbed when she wasn’t present

·         The committee agreed that especially during this time of Covid 19, it is important that Karen have control of who enters her office

·         Linda Schumacher stated that as far as Finance is concerned, she does not need to have access to Karen’s office when Karen is not there.


Next meeting will be 1:00 PM on September 14, 2020.  Location TBD.   (probably via ZOOM)


Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Don Young.


Respectfully Submitted,

    Linda Schumacher


Pastor Elizabeth ended our meeting with some kind words of praise and encouragement and a prayer.