Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ
December 9, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)


Items to be included in Session's consent agenda - none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –- 2020 Budget – see 4 below

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young,
Members absent:  Don Pine & Barry Holmes

1. November minutes were approved

2. Financial Secretary Report
o     Boxes of offering envelopes will be put out on the round table by the office door for people to pick up to be used for their  2020 contributions.

3.  Treasurer's Report (see November 2019 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the November reports with the committee.  He will be combining Al and Dot Mitchell’s memorials into one account per the family’s request
o    Sandy reported that PNC made some requests for expenses for that committee.  Sandy authorized that they be paid from Bruce Forsythe’s memorial which was non-designated.  It was agreed that this was a good use of these funds and that any further PNC expenses should also be taken from non-designated memorial funds
o    It was the consensus of those present to move the $100 currently in account number 29329 – Blackburn memorial to 28000 – Special Events (food & supplies) which shows a balance of .59 In the November report. 
o    2020 budget was discussed with Paul as shown below

4. 2020 Budget
o   Per consensus, the Finance Committee will recommend to the Session that we give a 2% salary increase to the Office Manager, Music Director, Organist and Nursery Supervisor.  Paul will revise proposed 2020 budget for this and will email to Finance Committee and Session members

5.  Per Capita
2020 per capita amount is $43.12.  Sandy will put this information in the January newsletter.  Invoice from Heartland Presbytery is based on 129 members for a total due of $5552.16

Next meeting will be 1:30 PM on January 13
Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Ed Ingram.

Bill Melewski ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Schumacher