Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Building Relationships with People in Christ
December 18, 2017 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -.None

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –
o          The Finance Committee recommends that committees be asked to review their 2018 requested budget amounts to see if there are any cuts that can be made. (see 4, below)
o          Confirmation of approval of Policy for Payment of Church Credit Card Expenses (see 6, below)
o          Fund raising requests (see 8, below)
o          Designating previously non-designated memorial funds to be used for future AV repair/maintenance ( see 11, below)

Items for information only -see below

Members present:  Don Pine, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, Don Young and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)
Also present:  Pastor Pat
Members absent: Barry Holmes & Ed Ingram

Sandy Moore opened with a prayer.

1.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Boxes of 12 offering envelopes for 2018 have been in the parlor available for pick up since 12/10.
o     Congregation has been notified in weekly email and bulletin for the last 2 weeks that any contributions to BRPC received after 12/24 will be credited to 2018.
o     Statements of 2017 giving to BRPC will be distributed after worship on January 7 and January 14.  Any remaining after that will be mailed.
o     Special offering envelopes (per capita, one great hour, etc.) will be distributed on January 21, 2018.

2.  January Newsletter article from Finance Committee
o    Sandy has brought to the congregation’s attention that expected income was $7000 short but expected expenses were very close to budgeted amounts in 2017 and stressed the importance of everyone's continued contributions to support BRPC.  Pastor Pat will review and make any edits he deems fit.

3.  Treasurer Report – see report in Drop Box
o       Paul reviewed the reports with the committee.
o       Discussion was held about our current low bank balance.  Sandy will check with Sharon tomorrow and find out the amount needed to pay bills this year.  If more funds will be needed after taking into account the ACH amount to be deposited on 12/22 and expected offering on 12/24, action will be taken to transfer funds from the CD to the checking account at Blue Ridge Bank.

4.  2018 Budget
o One additional pledge was received today but the amount was already included in non-pledged income. And, there another $20 to be added.  Paul will make the adjustment to the budget and email the revised version for session meeting.
o There was concern about having a budget that requires $23,000+ be withdrawn from savings to balance it.  It was suggested that the session consider asking committee chairs to take another look at their budget requests and see if there are any reductions that can be made. A few specific ideas were discussed and will be pursued.

5.  Power on – photocopier service contract
o       With our current financial circumstances, it was the consensus of the committee that we continue to pay this bill monthly rather than annually.
6.  Policy for Payment of Church Credit Card Expenses
o   We were told that the Session discussed our proposed policy at their November meeting.  The policy as proposed in our November minutes is as follows:
§  Purchases made on church credit card are for church expenses only.  No personal charges should be put on the church credit card.
§  A properly completed Expense voucher is required for all expenditures made on a BRPC credit card.  i.e. the voucher MUST  include:  amount to be paid, information for who it is to be paid to, the account from which the amount is be taken, and a signature of the person authorized to have funds taken from that account
§  Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a warning.   If someone violates this policy a second time, the Finance Committee will revoke their authorization to use any BRPC credit card.
§  The Office Manager is authorized and instructed to pay the BRPC credit card bills in a timely manner
§  Any amount for which she does not have a properly filled out voucher prior to paying the credit card bill will be posted to account number 54098 (Administration - Miscellaneous).
§  The Office Manager will notify the Moderator of the Finance Committee of any payments/postings which have been handled in this manner
§  The Moderator of the Finance Committee will have a member of the Finance Committee follow-up with the Moderator of the Committee to whom this charge applies and obtain a properly completed voucher for the applicable amount.
§  The Finance Committee member who is handing this will fill out an "Adjusting Entry" form and email it to Paul to have the money moved from account number #54098 to the correct account number.
§  If this is the first time this has happened with the person who made the charge, the Finance Committee will give them a reminder of the policy and a warning that a second offense will result in the loss of their privilege to use the church credit card.
§  If it is the second time this person has failed to follow this policy, action will be taken to remove that person's authority to use any BRPC credit card (s)
o        The Finance Committee needs confirmation of whether or not this policy was approved.

7.  Finance portion of Manual of Operations
o        Discussion tabled again.  We will discuss this directly after the Treasurer’s Report at our January meeting.
o        Linda also distributed copies of a revision of the Finance Secretary’s job description that the Finance Committee approved in February 2016. It had not been put in the current Manual Operations but it should be.
o        The draft with Linda’s questions and suggestions as well as the updated Finance Secretary’s job description have been placed in the Finance folder in

8.  Fund raising requests from Missions and Outreach
o        Care packages to BRPC college students for Valentine’s Day - Finance Com. recommends approval
o        Popcorn sales 3/18 with delivery 4/8 - approved pending coordination of dates with Youth Director since the Finance Committee had suggested there be another pie sale before Easter when shortening the time to sell pies in November.
o        Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale to benefit REAP on 3/24. - Finance Com. recommends approval.
Don P. made the motion and Don Young seconded. Motion carried as shown above

10.  Stewardship
o   Pastor Pat asked that Finance Committee members bring their ideas for the 2018 Stewardship theme to our January meeting.

11.   AV repair and maintenance
o  We had a significant expense last week to fix the problem with our projector in the sanctuary. This expense has been paid for by a generous donor.  But, further expenses could arise and there is nothing in the budget.
o  The Finance Committee recommends that we designate Al Mitchell and Elena Schesser’s memorial for future AV repair or maintenance.
Don Y made the motion and Don Pine seconded – motion - approved

Next meeting January 8, 2017 - 6:30 p.m.  (Bill to do opening prayer/devotion)

Don Pine closed the meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Schumacher

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Building Relationships with People in Christ
 November 13, 2017 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -.None

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –
o    Recommendation to add a line item for nursery expenses - see 2. below
o    Fund raising requests - see 8. below
o    BRPC Credit Card policy - see 10. below

Items for information only -see below

Members present: Ed Ingram, Don Pine, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, Bill Melewski and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)
Also present:  Pastor Pat
Members absent: Barry Holmes

Don Young opened with a devotion.

1.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Stewardship letters and pledge forms were mailed to congregation on October 27th.
o     Total Pledge amounts and estimate of non-pledge giving were emailed to Paul on 11/12/17.
§  Information comparing 2017 pledges to 2018 pledges and how the non-pledge giving was derived are in a separate report attached.

2.  Nursery Line Item
o    a concern was brought to the Finance Committee that there currently is no account for nursery
o   Consensus of the Finance Committee was that we create a nursery account and put $100.00 in it
o   There was also discussion on the best option to make funds available for the nursery supervisor to
access these funds.  Options discussed were a Wal-Mart gift card or have the nursery supervisor use petty cash…no decision was made

3.  Treasurer Report – see report in Drop Box
o   Paul did not see any special concerns when preparing the October reports
o   The October Financial Reports were approved as presented
o   Discussion was held and it was the consensus of the committee that we should have a separate account for payments to KCPL and for the solar panels.  Paul will set this up for the coming year.

4.  2018 Budget
o    The Finance Committee determined most of the "Income" amounts (we don't yet know the 2018 per capita amount) needed to complete the budget draft.  Sandy will send these amounts to Paul.

5.  Power on – photocopier service contract
o   discussion was held regarding whether to continue to pay monthly or to pay for the entire year-
o   it was suggested and the committee agreed that someone should call Power On and ask for a discount if we paid for the entire year. 
6.  Leadership Conference at Church of the Resurrection
o   Pastor Pat shared with the committee that the expense for BRPC members attending the conference at Church or the Resurrection was $159 more than it should have been due to an error on our part. 
o   Our request to Church of Resurrection to not charge us this additional amount was denied

7.  Photo directories
o   Pastor Pat shared that the books are in production.
o   Although we were originally told the cost would be $12 for each book – the photographer has discovered that it will actually cost them $14.00 to make each book due to extra pages added after the original quote. 
o   Pat told the committee that the session has already determined that we will not ask the congregation to pay more than the $12 per book that they have already paid
o   20 additional books were ordered for future use
o   Ed made a motion and Don Pine seconded that the additional $424.00 expense be taken from Judy Glass' memorial fund.  Motion carried.
8.  Fund raising request from Missions and Outreach
o   Micah - adopt a child for Christmas - approved by consensus of those present
o   sale of additional pages for the church cook book in December
§  The consensus of the Finance Committee was to deny this request because we just finished pie and fruit sales, we are asking members of the congregation to adopt a Micah child for Christmas and then Super Bowl Sandwich Sales will be in January

9.  Joy Scholarship
o   There were no scholarship applications received by the 10/1/17 deadline so no scholarships will be awarded for the 2018 spring term
o   The estimate from the financial institution that holds the Joy Scholarship is that we will receive $3097.34 in 2018.

10.  Policy for Payment of Church Credit Card Expenses
o   BRPC's Office Manager requested some guidance on payment of credit card bills without a properly filled out Expense Voucher. 
o   After much discussion the following Church Credit Card Policy was agreed upon by the Finance Committee:
§  Purchases made on church credit card are for church expenses only.  No personal charges should be put on the church credit card.
§  A properly completed Expense voucher is required for all expenditures made on a BRPC credit card.  i.e. the voucher MUST  include:  amount to be paid, information for who it is to be paid to, the account from which the amount is be taken, and a signature of the person authorized to have funds taken from that account
§  Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a warning.   If someone violates this policy a second time, the Finance Committee will revoke their authorization to use any BRPC credit card.
§  The Office Manager is authorized and instructed to pay the BRPC credit card bills in a timely manner
§  Any amount for which she does not have a properly filled out voucher prior to paying the credit card bill will be posted to account number 54098 (Administration - Miscellaneous).
§  The Office Manager will notify the Moderator of the Finance Committee of any payments/postings which have been handled in this manner
§  The Moderator of the Finance Committee will have a member of the Finance Committee follow-up with the Moderator of the Committee to whom this charge applies and obtain a properly completed voucher for the applicable amount.
§  The Finance Committee member who is handing this will fill out an "Adjusting Entry" form and email it to Paul to have the money moved from account number #54098 to the correct account number.
§  If this is the first time this has happened with the person who made the charge, the Finance Committee will give them a reminder of the policy and a warning that a second offense will result in the loss of their privilege to use the church credit card.
§  If it is the second time this person has failed to follow this policy, action will be taken to remove that person's authority to use any BRPC credit card (s)

11.   Finance Committee portion of Manual of Operations
o  Linda emailed an edited draft of this document to the Finance Committee for review on 11/11/17
o  It was decided to table the review and further editing until our December meeting

Next meeting December 11, 2017 - 6:30 p.m.  (Ed to do opening prayer)

Pastor Pat closed the meeting with a prayer

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Schumacher

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Building Relationships with People in Christ
 August 14, 2017 Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

I.          Items to be included in Session's consent agenda
Ø  Budget requests are needed by the September Session meeting
II.         Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session
Ø  The Finance Committee recommends that we use the funds in the Ruth Bryan memorial to pay the registration fees for session members who want to attend the Leadership Institute at the Church of the Resurrection,  9/27-9/29.  (Early Bird registration of $160 per person ends 8/31)
Ø  The Finance Committee recommends that we offer a $500 scholarship from the Joy Scholarship Fund to Heartland Presbytery students each year in the fall and spring – pending availability of funds
III.        Items for information only
Ø  See below

Members present: Ed Ingram, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, & Paul Luce on speaker phone
Also present:  Pastor Pat & Bobby Neal   Members absent: Bill Melewski & Barry Holmes

*Ed opened with prayer
Ø  Financial Secretary Report
o   There does not seem to be an awareness of the “Adjusting Entry Form” that was created when Paul moved to Texas for requesting money be transferred from one account to another.  Linda continues to receive these requests on "Expense Vouchers”.  Linda will print out some of the forms to be put in the office and will put a reminder about this process in the next newsletter
o   Linda suggested that there needs to be some clarification/verification of who needs to sign vouchers for account numbers 28206 & 28213.
o   Linda has not been able to find out if payment was received for air fare for Pastor Pat to fly back for Genevieve Lentz’s service.  Pastor Pat will call her son.
Ø  Treasurer Report - see attached
o   Note that although H2 shows that our total income to date is $15,807.26 less than budgeted, $14, 140.60 of that amount is because we haven't taken any funds from our savings.
Ø  Possible Upcoming Property Expenses - Bobby Neal was at the meeting to give information regarding:
o    Roof Repairs– Property Committee is taking the first step of checking with insurance to see if they will pay for any of the cost.  We believe our deductible is $28,000.
o   Solar Panels – the company that sold us the panels made a review in April and their representative indicated that BRPC may have been mis-categorized and consequently may have been being charged incorrectly.  However, the company is now under different ownership so the negotiations continue.
o   A bid was presented for replacing all lighting in the church with LED bulbs.  Labor costs could be reduced by BRPC members doing some of the labor and this project could be spread over time.  The Finance Committee requested that the Property Committee compile the cost of different scenarios and bring a detailed request to the Finance Committee for consideration.
o    Steeple window and light repair – estimate is coming
Ø  Budget requests
o   We need each committee's budget requests by the September session meeting
Ø  Leadership Institute
o   Pastor Pat shared the opportunity for our session members to attend the Leadership Institute at Church of Resurrection -9/27-9/29.   Pastor Pat highly recommends this as an inspiring and transformative experience – Early Bird registration of $160 per person ends 8/31.  Linda S.  made a motion recommending that we use the funds in the Ruth Bryan memorial to pay the registration fee for session members who want to attend.  Don Y. seconded.  Motion carried.
Ø  Joy Scholarship
o   Sandy has vouchers ready for payment to the schools of the recent recipients
o   To avoid recent difficulties in obtaining this information, it was decided that a section will be added to the application form for the information needed (e.g. student I.D. number and school address) for disbursement of funds if the applicant is awarded the scholarship
o   Pastor Pat made a motion that we offer a $500 scholarship to Heartland Presbytery students each year in the fall and spring – pending availability of funds. Don P. seconded.  Motion carried.
o   It was suggested that we add something to the written criteria regarding consideration of how many times a person has been previously awarded money from Joy Scholarship
Ø  Endowments
o    – Don Y.  gave us a copy of the article he plans to put in the next newsletter.  Committee members are to review it and send any suggested changes to him this week.
o     And, he handed out copies of the information he is asking to be put on the Welcome Screen in the narthex.
Ø  Stewardship Campaign
o    –Pastor Pat provided some scriptures to consider using for the "Cross Your Heart" theme that was decided on at our May meeting.  We chose the less familiar John 7: 37-38.
o   We need to come up with 4 people to encourage pledging/giving by telling short "stories from the heart" to be presented either via video or in person during worship.  Ideally, these folks will represent a varied cross section of the congregation (homebound, youth, active, etc)
o   Timeframe for campaign activities were established as follows:
§  10/1, 10/8, 10/13 - "From the Heart" talk
§  10/20 – Mail Stewardship Letter
§ 10/22 – Stewardship Skit
§  10/29 - "From the Heart" talk
§  11/5 = pledge Sunday

*Pastor Pat closed the meeting with prayer

Respectfully submitted,      Linda Schumacher