Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Building Relationships with People in Christ
March 9, 2020- Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda – none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session – none

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young,
Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Bill Melewski opened our meeting with a devotion and prayer

1.  February minutes were approved

2.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Nothing to report

3.  Treasurer's Report (see February 2020 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the February reports with the committee.
o    Paul will correct Petty Cash amount in Shelby to match amount now actually in the petty cash box* (see 4.)

4.  Pulpit Supply – this account will, understandably, go over the budgeted amount since Pastor Ron’s surgery/rehab has necessitated the need for more pulpit supply than anyone had any way to anticipate.

5.  *Petty Cash – Sandy and Don Young have audited the petty cash box.  A total of $56.30 has been left in the box.  The balance of what was in the box of $49.00 will be put in to the “Special Events” (food and supplies) account.

6.  Per Capita – a $500 payment has been sent to Presbytery to begin to pay what is owed for 2020

7.  Tax Exempt Form:  up to date copy has been obtained

Next meeting will be 1:00 PM on April 13th.

Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Ed Ingram

Don Pine ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
    Linda Schumacher