Monday, October 24, 2016

Building  Relationships  with People in Christ

Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting on Oct. 17, 2016

Members present: Pastor Pat Jackson, Ed Ingram, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Bill Melewski, and Paul Luce by phone.

Ed opened with prayer

The committee approved a $1000 payment towards our Per Capita bill.

The committee also approved a $1000 payment to the New Covenant  Fund account. This is from money collected for the A/V fund to pay ourselves back from money loaned  from our savings to buy the A/V system.

Rest of evening was spent discussing proposed budget for 2017. A couple of committees have not submitted their budgets to us.

There will be some announcements  about the Fall Stewardship during the next few weeks. Stewardship Sunday will be  Nov. 13, 2016.

Next Finance Meeting will be Nov. 14 at 6:30PM.

Pat closed with prayer

Ed Ingram, Moderator