Monday, October 26, 2015

Building Relationships with People in Christ

Minutes of Oct. 14, 2015 Finance Committee Meeting

Members present: Pastor Pat Jackson, Ed Ingram, Paul Luce, Don Pine, Don Young, Bill Melewski

Ed opened with Devotion

Bill offered prayer

Endowment Committee looking into making a sign reminding members of our endowment fund and how they could support the fund.

Stewardship- We will have an easel in parlor for members to write down a few of the things they are grateful for and the blessings that Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church has brought them over the years.

Stewardship Sunday will be Nov. 15. Pledge cards and a letter will be mailed by Nov. 1.

Continued work on the Manuel of Operations.

Paul Luce has told the committee that he would be willing to continue as our Treasurer if needed. He would do his work by computer and some phone calls. Paul has done an outstanding job as our Treasurer for a number of years and this is a wonderful offer that Paul has given to us.

Next Meeting: Nov. 19, 2015 at 1:30PM.

Pat closed with prayer.