Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Building Relationships with People in Christ

March 19, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting     (H)


Items to be included in Session's consent agenda – none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session – none

Items for information only – none

 Members present – Ed Ingram, Don Pine, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, & Don Young.  Pastor Elizabeth was also present, and Paul Luce joined us via speaker phone.

Members absent – Barry Holmes

This meeting was held at BRPC – hooray!

 Don Young began our meeting with a devotional and prayer.

1.  March Minutes were approved

 2.  Financial Secretary Report

·         Linda plans to reorder bank deposit slips from Costco rather than the bank because it is less expensive.

·         Linda reported that information received from Bettie Forbach’s attorneys regarding her trust of which BRPC is one beneficiary.  Anticipated distribution of her estate will be by August 2021 “barring any unexpected issues”.


3.  Treasurer's Report (see March 2021 reports in Drop Box) –

·         Paul reviewed the March reports with the committee.  Thankfully, our finances are still in relatively good condition considering the circumstances.

·         March Treasurer’s Reports were approved.

·         Sandy made sure New Covenant Funds has our PO Box so we should receive statements in a timely manner now.


4.  Joy Scholarship

·         Sandy received a little more information from Meagan Berry regarding her request for additional assistance from the Joy Scholarship.  Meagan is no longer a student.  She is asking for help paying for books which she paid for with her personal credit card.  The committee reiterated that the criteria established for the Joy Scholarship is for current educational expenses and we are only allowed to send the funds directly to the school, not the individual.

·         As discussed last month, the class in which Celeste was enrolled was cancelled.  Since no refund of the $500 sent to Celeste’s school has been received, the Finance Committee authorized Sandy to check with Celeste and find out if she intends to attend in the fall.  If that is the case, the committee agreed that the funds could be kept by the school for to be used for the fall semester.


5.  Heartland Presbytery request for Mission Support

·         There is $1000 in Mission’s budget for this and $500 has been paid.

·         Pastor Elizabeth texted Presbytery to let them know this.


6.  Survey from Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program

·         Sandy completed the survey and let them know that we are not in need of any of their services at this time.


7.  Finance Information for new BRPC Website

·         The committee reviewed/revised the draft Linda had prepared and the agreed upon wording will be sent to Mary Ziegenhorn for use on the upcoming new BRPC website.


8. Heartland Presbytery Camp Scholarship

·         A request for assistance with camp expenses was discussed and the decision was made that this request should go to the Christian Education Committee first and then if additional funds are needed, the Finance Committee will consider designating some memorial funds for this purpose.

 Next meeting will be 1:00 PM on May 10, 2021.  

 Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Ed Ingram.

 Don Pine ended our meeting with a prayer.