Saturday, December 15, 2018

Building Relationships with People in Christ
December 10, 2018 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –- 2019 Budget, Super Bowl Sandwich Sales (see 4 below)

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Sandy Moore, Bill Melewski, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, & Ed Ingram and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)

Also present:  Pastor Ron
Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Pastor Ron opened with a prayer.  Bill volunteered to provide devotional/prayer for our next meeting.

1. Financial Secretary Report
o     An article detailing information about offering envelopes for 2019, plan for special offering envelopes, and deadline for contributions to be credited in 2018 appeared in the December newsletter.  A shorter reminder will appear in weekly email and bulletin for the next two weeks.

o     Linda will print and mail 2018 statements and prepare packets of special offering envelopes in January.

o     And in January, she will research the new Shelby program with the goal of presenting options and cost information to the Finance Committee in February.

2.  Treasurer's Report (see November 2018 reports in Drop Box)
o        Paul reviewed the November financial reports with the committee.  Since November ACH of $3810.00 did not get posted until December, it is not reflected in November as it should have been.

o        There was additional discussion of items to be considered in preparing the 2019 budget.  Paul will send a revised budget based on the figures recommended by the Finance Committee at this meeting

3.  2019 Budget – (see proposal in Session drop box)
o   Discussion was held on the revised draft provided by Paul Luce which currently would require a planned transfer of $28,052.52 to balance the budget

o   The committee discussed some possible areas that could be reduced.
§    Those present agreed that the Property Committee will be asked to split out the projected cost of snow removal from the projected cost of cleaning the church.

§    The Finance Committee recommends that the Property Committee finalize terms with Mike Schumacher for him to take over the job of cleaning the church and to notify the current cleaning company that we will no longer be using their services

§    The Finance Committee recommends that 54701-Choir Music and 54709-Guest Musicians be reduced to $0.  These expenses can be taken from 28704-Choir Discretionary Fund, 28314-M Starcke Memorial Fund, or 28335-T Wright Memorial Fund

§    The Finance Committee also recommends that the 54713-Pulpit Supply be reduced to $750.00.

o   And, we reiterated that we regretfully cannot consider giving any salary increases in 2019.  We will ask Paul to remove the percentage increase amounts from the next revision of the 2019 budget.

4.  Fund raising requests
o Super bowl sandwich sales request received from CE – proceeds to go to 28206-Youth Activities – orders to be taken from 1/13-1/30, 2019 on Sundays in the parlor – pick up to be on Sunday, February 3, 2019.  Don P moved recommend approval of this request to the session – Bill seconded – motion carried

Next meeting 6:30 p.m. on January 14, 2019

Don Young ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Linda Schumacher