Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Building Relationships with People in Christ

 April 10, 2017  - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda  -None

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session - None

Items for information only -See below

Members present: Ed Ingram, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)

Members absent: Barry Holmes, Bill Melewski, & Don Pine

Ed opened with prayer

v  Endowment Committee
o   Don Y provided a draft of a bulletin insert to encourage birthday contributions to Endowment Fund.  It will be distributed on Sunday, 4/ 23.  Some edits were suggested. 

o   And there was discussion of future ways to explain and inspire the congregation to give to this fund.

v  Financial Secretary Report

o      Linda will be away from 7/11-7/26 so no contributions will be posted 7/11 - 7/30.  Finance Committee will review the bank balance in June and decide if any action needs to be taken to insure that the bank account balance remains high enough to pay the bills during that time

v  Treasurer Report – see report attached

o   Taking into account the fact that we haven't taken any money out of savings and the pledge monies that we know are not paid until December, our financial status is currently stable

o   The suggestion was made that the new 28005 account should have the word "meal" in it and since this fund will be administered by the Fellowship Committee, it should be designated as such rather than "ALL".  Paul will change this account number and designation accordingly

v  Joy Scholarship Requests -  Deadline for applications is June 1

o   Sandy is aware of one person who definitely plans to apply

v  Heartland Presbytery Billing Statement Review

o   As of January 30, 2017, BRPC owes Presbytery $11,628.96.  The reason for this is our inability to pay the per capita amount for all of our members through the years. 

o   The Finance Committee is committed to trying to reduce this debt as evidenced by the additional funds placed in the 2017 budget and the increased reminders to the congregation


v  Session's action on  Finance Committee recommendations in March

o     recommendation to establish a funeral meal account - approved

o     recommendation to approve Office Manager's online banking proposal - approved

o     recommendation to approve CE's request to hold a "Rice Bowl" collection - approved


v  2018 Stewardship Campaign - It is time to begin planning now!

o   it was suggested that we refresh our memories of what the theme has been the last 5 years

§  We could only find 3 years in our files -   2017-Joy; 2016-Gratitude; 2015-Step Up

o   Pastor Pat suggested one theme idea for 2018 - Discipleship

o   all Finance Committee members are to  bring your stewardship ideas to our May meeting


v  Financial Review

o    Ed’s CPA  is willing to review BRPC financial records after the tax season is over

Next meeting May 15, 2017 - 6:30 p.m. (date change because neither Don Y nor Ed I could attend on 5/8)


Pastor Pat closed the meeting with a prayer



Respectfully submitted, Linda Schumacher