Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ
October 7, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –- none

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young,
Members absent:  Barry Holmes & Bill Melewski

Sandy Moore opened with a prayer.

NOTE: This meeting was moved up a week because of the need to finalize stewardship campaign plans asap.

1. Financial Secretary Report
o     Boxes of 12 offering envelopes with special envelopes included to be used in 2020 have been received.  Total cost was $154.00.  Special envelopes that are already on hand will be stuffed into the boxes of 52 envelopes.  So, that these envelopes will not be given out separately in 2020

2.  Treasurer's Report (see September 2019 reports in Drop Box)
o    Due to the change in the meeting date, Paul was not available and had not yet had time to prepare Sept. reports.

3.  2020 Budget
o   Sandy shared the preliminary budget for 2020 for our review.  No further decisions can be made until we have the pledge figures.  There were expressions of hope that the results will allow us to give some kind of increase in salaries for our employees to show them our appreciation

4.  2020 Stewardship Campaign
o   10/6 - Sandy Moore gave the first stewardship moment announcing this year’s theme, “20/20 Vision”.
o   Sandy has scheduled future presenters as follows:
§  10/13 – Jo Riggs
§  10/20 – Mike Schumacher
§  10/27 – Leslie
o   10/22 ish – mail out stewardship letter and pledge forms – Don Young will write the letter this year
o   11/03 will be Stewardship Sunday when pledge forms will be collected
o   Linda provided draft of 2020 pledge form – approved by those who were in attendance at the meeting.
o   Linda will create stewardship campaign promo for narthex screens, sanctuary screens, and weekly email

Next meeting will be 1:30 PM on November 18,  2019  (NOTE CHANGE FROM OUR USUAL DAY)
Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Bill Melewski (since he wasn’t able to do it for our October meeting as planned)

Ed Ingram ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Schumacher