Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Building Relationships with People in Christ
May 14, 2018 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –- Fund raising request from Missions and Outreach – see 7. Below – Pastor Pat was going to email Session about this since request begins before next Session meeting.

Items for information only -see below

Members present Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young  
Also present:  Pastor Pat and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)
Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Ed opened with a devotional.

1.  Minutes of the April meeting were approved
2.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Linda inquired how Endowment funds 28301 were transferred from our checking account to the Endowment funds in Presbytery Foundation.  The committee instructed Linda to fill out a voucher to have Sharon S.  write a check to “New Covenant Funds”.
o     .
3.  Treasurer's Report (see April 2018 reports in Drop Box)
o        Paul reviewed the April financial reports with the committee
o        Pastor Pat will be filling out an adjusting entry form to transfer some funds from another account to cover the deficit in 28101
o        Paul pointed out to the committee that we need to consider whether or not we will just pay an interim from the regular “Pastor’s” account or whether Paul should create another account.
4.  Manual of Operations
o        Linda reported that the following items have been changed in the Finance section of the Manual of Operations 1)removed “Walmart” from the credit card list- based on information from Sharon Schroer BRPC no longer has a Walmart credit card; 2)added that the person assisting Financial Secretary in counting funds can not be a family member; 3)removed “CE moderator” from Joy Fund committee
5.  Roof repairs
o   A generous $10,0000 donation has been received for roof repairs
6.  Joy Scholarship
o       Sandy has been in communication with some potential applicants
7.  Request from Missions and Outreach Committee received requesting donations on Sunday, May 20th and to sell greeting cards after service every Sunday until the Summer Lunch Program begins to benefit Raytown Summer Lunch Ministry.  Ed made motion and Don Y seconded to approve this request.  Motion carried. 

No meeting in June.

Pastor Pat ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Schumacher