Thursday, November 21, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ
November 18, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –- Fund raising request – see 7 below

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young,
Members absent:  Ed Ingram & Barry Holmes

Bill Melewski opened with a prayer

1. October minutes were approved

2. Financial Secretary Report
o     2020 pledges have been collected and compiled and the information shared with Finance Committee
o     A general comparison between 2019 and 2020 pledges and computation of estimate of non-budgeted pledges as of 11/14/19 is attached.  NOTE, there were some additional pledges received after that which changed the computations/comparisons after this. (e.g. $1020 of additional pledges that were received after 11/14 were included in the non-budgeted pledge amount in 11/14/19 estimate so non-budgeted pledge amount in newest revision of proposed budget was lowered accordingly)

3.  Treasurer's Report (see October 2019 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the October reports with the committee.  He will be reminding Session members that if there are funds that need to be paid out before 2020, that needs to be happening soon.
o    2020 budget was discussed with Paul as shown below

4. 2020 Budget
o   Mike Schumacher is willing to provide custodial services for 2020 so a line was added to the 2020 budget for that and the Contract Labor line was reduced to include ONLY funds for snow removal
o   Decisions were made on other Income Amounts for the proposed budget
       Non-budgeted $15000.00; Loose – $1900; Bldg. use – $2000; per capita – $3000; Initial – $120

o   Paul will prepare a revised proposed budget based on these factors which will be shared with the Finance Committee and Session for their review prior to session approval of the 2020 budget in December 2019.

5.  Joy Scholarship
It was decided by consensus to award $500 to each of the applicants for the 2020 Spring Semester.
Yvonne Chi, Owen Lockwood, Celeste Cummins, and Brennon Lee have submitted applications.
We are also expecting an application from Megan from Presbytery.

6.  Per Capita
We will pay $1000 this month and will look in December and see what our balance is

7.  Fund Raising request
From Christian Education Committee - Rummage Sale 2020 – proposed dates are the following: Set up May 18th thru June 9th; sale runs June 10-13th; REAP clients gleaning and packing June 15th; Red Racks pick up on June 16th.      Finance Committee recommends approval of this request.

Sandy will be reminding Committee Chairs at next Session meeting that all 2020 fund raising requests need to be received prior to our Finance Committee meeting on January Finance Meeting, January 13, 2020.

Next meeting will be 1:30 PM on December 10
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Schumacher

Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Linda Schumacher.

Pastor Ron ended our meeting with a prayer.