Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Building Relationships with People in Christ
May 11, 2020- Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda – none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session – Fund raising request from Shelley Melewski ( see 6 below)

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Paul Luce, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, and Don Young. Pastor Elizabeth was also present.
Members absent:  Barry Holmes

This meeting was held via Zoom.
Ed Ingram opened our meeting with scripture, devotional and prayer

1.  Financial Secretary Report
o     Nothing to report

2.  April Minutes were approved

3.  Treasurer's Report (see April 2020 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the April reports with the committee.  Contributions are down but so are expenses.  Considering that we are currently not physically together for worship and that we haven’t taken anything from savings, we feel our financial picture is still ok.

4.  Per Capita – $500 will be sent this month to keep our plan for paying BRPC per capita.

5.  Joy Scholarship – The deadline for fall semester scholarships is June 1st.  Sandy will continue to put out reminders of the availability of these funds.

6.  Fund raising request – Shelley Melewski has requested permission to sell greeting cards to benefit the Raytown Summer Lunch Program.  Don Pine made a motion to recommend approval of this request to the Session.  Motion carried.

7.  Cement repair needed on to steps to Grace’s office - Per the Property Committee, this will cost approximately $2,500.00.  Our recommendation is that this expense be taken from Account #28612 (new roof fund).

8.  Endowment Fund – This has not been publicized in quite some time.   - Don Young will compose something for the June newsletter from the Endowment Fund Committee to remind the congregation about this fund  -  especially to suggest that everyone donate the amount of their age on their birthday.

9.  Stewardship Campaign – It’s not too early begin planning.  Paul’s church’s 2021 theme will be “Reassess, Recalculate and Rebuild

Next meeting will be via Zoom 1:00 PM on June 8, 2020.  (at this point we will not plan to have a meeting in July)
Opening devotional/prayer will be given by Sandy Moore.
Respectfully Submitted,
    Linda Schumacher

Don Pine ended our meeting with a prayer.