Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ

August 12, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –-BRPC check signers – see 4 below

Items for information only – see below – especially note the need for 2020 budget amounts in September

Members present:  Ed Ingram, Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)                 Also present:  Pastor Ron                    Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Don Young opened with a devotion and a prayer.

1. Financial Secretary Report
o     The conversion from Shelby .v5 to Shelby Next is complete.  We are now using Shelby Next to keep track of our finances and worship attendance.  There are many more features available in the Shelby Next package for which we are paying but each will require additional set up and research into how to use them.  For now, Linda would like to concentrate on getting comfortable with the portion we are using now and put off pursuing the additional features in a couple of months.
o     Linda will make 2020 envelope order before end of September for a price break.  If the cost does not exceed the budgeted amount, Linda is going to have the special envelopes stuffed in the boxes with the offering envelopes.

2.  Treasurer's Report (see July 2019 reports in Drop Box)
o    Paul reviewed the July financial reports with the committee. The balance in the checking account and in account 28612-Roof Repair includes $70000.00 from the insurance company for roof repair.  This amount has subsequently been paid to the roofing company.
o    The Finance Committee voted unanimously to transfer the $372.14 in Ann Wiltfang’s memorial fund # 28315 to the Funeral Service Meals #29000
o    It was noted that the funds in Pentecost Offering # 28519 and OGHS #28500 need to be sent to General Assembly.  Paul will make a reminder during the Session meeting about this.
o    We have not kept up with our plan to pay $1000 per month of the per capita amount due.  Sandy will take care of getting Karen to pay $1000 to Presbytery in August.
o    Paul reminded us that committees need to provide 2020 proposed budget amounts in September

3.  Joy Scholarship 
Yvonne Chi, Owen Lockwood, Brennen Lee, Celeste Cummins’ schools have been sent $500 each.

4.  Blue Ridge Bank Account – Authorized Check Signers
The Finance Committee recommends that we:  Remove– Robert Fray, Paul Vance , Barbara Gregory, Dorothy Mitchell
Add– Jana Henderson and Sandra Moore (Treasurer)

5.  Property Insurance
Office Manager, Karen Argo, provided a proposal from an insurance company that she has researched.  It appears the cost would be significantly less than what we are currently paying for property insurance.  Our current insurance made a huge increase in the deductible after the roof repair.  The current insurance renews in April.  Select committee members will review the new proposal and plan to make a recommendation about this to the Session in September.

6. Manual of Operations – Finance Committee has approved the information Linda put into the template for Manual of Operations for the Finance Committee.  Linda will send this to Avis.

Next meeting will be 12:30 PM on September 9th at Sandy’s houseA light lunch will be served and Paul will be there!
Opening devotional prayer will be given by Ed Ingram
Respectfully submitted,
   Linda Schumacher

Don Pine ended our meeting with prayer