Friday, February 10, 2017

Building Relationships with People in Christ

February 6, 2017 Christian Education Committee Meeting     (H)
I.          Items to be included in Session's consent agenda

Ø  none

II.         Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session

Ø  Fund raising requests from Missions and Outreach Committee - see A. below

Ø  repurposing/renaming of some restricted accounts - see D. below

III.        Items for information only

Ø  See Below

 Members present: Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Linda Schumacher

Also present: Pastor Pat AND Paul Luce participated by speaker phone

Members absent: Barry Holmes, Ed Ingram, Don Pine, & Don Young

Prompted by questions from Linda S, we had a preliminary discussion about the minute taking & distributing of minutes process.  Based on Pastor Pat's confirmation, the minutes are identified as "H" and the breakdown for consent, vote needed and for information only structure is show at the top of these minutes.  Pastor Pat also shared that a good process would be for whoever has taken the minutes to send them to the committee members asking for any corrections/additions within the week.  Then the final version will be posted to both the Session Packet and Finance folders in drop box for that month.

 Linda Schumacher opened the meeting with prayer

 A.  Fund Raising Requests from Missions and Outreach Committees:

o   Ongoing – Micah Ministries

o   3/18 – REAP Pancake Day/Bake Sale*

o   April – ask congregation for donations of candy and plastic eggs

o   6/21 – Bake Sale on first day of Rummage Sale

o   July - Summer Lunch Ministry

o   September – sales of Farmstead Nuts

o   10/7 – Sloppy Joe’s Café (Bake Sale & Silent Auction)*

o   10/8 – Crop Walk

o    Date?  NOROC

o   Date?  PEB

*pending Property Use Form completion and approval by Property Committee & Session

Linda made a motion to approve these fund raising efforts.  Bill seconded.  Motion approved by committee members either who were at the meeting or via email following the meeting.

Consideration of this request initiated a discussion of how best to coordinate fund raising requests with the Property Committee and the Session.  Consequently, Pat revised the already existing but outdated "BRPC Fund Raising Master Fundraising Events Calendar" in the Session folder in drop box to include columns for dates of submission and approval to/by Property, Finance, and Session.

B.  Endowment Committee – No report  Bill mentioned that the Endowment Committee has been holding off on any promotion in recent months because we have had other fund raisers happening.  Pastor Pat shared some suggestions for the future including:  promo birthday contributions by calculating an estimate of how much would be donated in a year if everyone donated their age amount on their birthday and that information was shared in/on welcome sign/newsletter/weekly email/bulletin or “minute“ during worship; set a 2017 goal for number of families/individuals who have designated BRPC in their estate planning

C.  Financial Secretary Report

o   most of the 2017 special offering envelope packets have been given out – Linda hopes to catch the last few families who haven’t picked them up next Sunday

o   Linda received an inquiry from Linda Lockwood representing the Mission and Outreach Committee requesting that the UPW – acct no. 28400 and Deborah Circle – acct no. 28404 be repurposed to a miscellaneous Mission Fund.  Those present at the meeting (and a majority of those who were not present who replied via email) were in favor of this. 

o   Linda shared a concern about the very low balance ($9.82) in the general food fund (28000).  This was a challenge recently to the Fellowship Committee in providing the funeral luncheon for the Wiltfang family.  It was suggested that a separate account be established for Funeral Meals so that the Fellowship Committee would have better control of those funds.  See D. below - it was recommended that 28401, MIS-Memorial Fund be repurposed as a Funeral Food Fund.

D.  Treasurer Report – January reports can be found in drop box in both Finance & Session folders

Paul reviewed the reports for January with the committee

We then went through the accounts on the Balance Sheet H-1 to be sure we all understood the purpose of each one.  During this process, it was discovered that we have money in designated accounts whose purpose either no longer exists or has changed.  The Finance Committee's suggested changes can be found as notes on the H-1 report for January in drop box, Finance, Finance Meetings, 2/6/17. 

E.   Joy Endowment Fund.  Due to the length of the meeting, no discussion was held on how to better publicize the fact that we have scholarship money available.  Pastor Pat did say he will put it on Facebook and will be talking to Heartland Presbytery about sharing the word there also. 

F. - Item to be included in  our next meeting agenda.

o   review of statement from Heartland Presbytery to insure that we understand it

Next Meeting will be March 13, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Pastor Pat closed with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Schumacher