Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Building Relationships with People in Christ
March 11, 2019 - Finance Committee Meeting     (H)

Items to be included in Session's consent agenda -none

Items to be voted upon or needing discussion by Session –-none

Items for information only – see below

Members present:  Bill Melewski, Sandy Moore, Don Pine, Linda Schumacher, Don Young, & Ed Ingram and Paul Luce (via speaker phone)

Also present:  Pastor Ron                    Members absent:  Barry Holmes

Sandy opened with a devotion. 

1. Financial Secretary Report

o     Linda electronically signed the contract agreeing to convert from Shelby .v5 to Shelby Next and set it up so that the initial $1000.00 due and the monthly charge of $177.00 that will begin once the conversion is complete will be charged to the church credit card.  Actual work on this has not begun as Linda has not been able to get a response yet to questions she has about answering the initial questionnaire that was received from Shelby.  It appears this may be a complex, complicated, and time-consuming process.

2.  Treasurer's Report (see February 2018 reports in Drop Box)

o        Paul reviewed the December financial reports with the committee.  Receipts were down – probably due to not having worship for two Sunday’s in February – but the checking account balance has, thankfully, remained large enough to cover expenses.

o        There was discussion about probable future cash flow deficiencies.   If we need additional money to cover expenses, Paul recommends we cash out the CD  10110 first since the interest earned is minimal.

3.  Per Capita
o   We have sent $1000.00 and will continue to send a monthly payment to try to get caught up with this obligation.

4.  Joy Scholarship 

o   Meagan Berry, a Heartland Presbytery seminary student has applied for a scholarship from the Joy Scholarship Fund.  Don Pine made a motion and Don Young seconded to give Meagan Berry $500.00 from the Joy Scholarship Fund – motion carried.

o   Sandy will get reminders out to the congregation via weekly email, newsletter, and bulletin about the availability of these scholarship funds and the future deadlines.

Next meeting 1:30 p.m. on April 8, 2019.  Opening devotional prayer will be given by Ed Ingram.

Don Pine ended our meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Schumacher